1.Long-term Average Spectrum and Nasal Accelerometry in Sentences of Differing Nasality and Forward-Focused Vowel Productions Under Altered Auditory Feedback. Lee SH, Lee GS. J Voice. 2022 Aug 30:S0892-1997(22)00228-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.07.026. Online ahead of print.
2.Contributions of Forward-Focused Voice to Audio-Vocal Feedback Measured Using Nasal Accelerometry and Power Spectral Analysis of Vocal Fundamental Frequency. Lee SH, Torng PC, Lee GS. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2022 May 11;65(5):1751-1766. doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-21-00443. Epub 2022 Mar 30.
3.Vocal fold nodules: A disorder of phonation organs or auditory feedback? Lee SH, Yu JF, Fang TJ, Lee GS. Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 Nov;44(6):975-982. doi: 10.1111/coa.13417. Epub 2019 Sep 11.
4.Responses of Middle-Frequency Modulations in Vocal Fundamental Frequency to Different Vocal Intensities and Auditory Feedback. Lee SH, Fang TJ, Yu JF, Lee GS. J Voice. 2017 Sep;31(5):536-544. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.01.015. Epub 2017 Mar 3.
5.Relationships Between Formant Frequencies of Sustained Vowels and Tongue Contours Measured by Ultrasonography. Lee SH, Yu JF, Hsieh YH, Lee GS. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2015 Nov;24(4):739-49. doi: 10.1044/2015_AJSLP-14-0063.
6.Audio-vocal responses of vocal fundamental frequency and formant during sustained vowel vocalizations in different noises. Lee SH, Hsiao TY, Lee GS. Hear Res. 2015 Jun;324:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2015.02.005. Epub 2015 Mar 5.
7.Effects of hearing aid amplification on voice F0 variability in speakers with prelingual hearing loss. Lee GS, Liu C, Lee SH. Hear Res. 2013 Aug;302:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2013.04.010. Epub 2013 May 4.
Correlation between Formant Frequencies of Vowel and Ultrasonographic Imaging of Tongue during Articulation
謝宇翔(Yu-Hsiang Hsieh) ; 李紹瑄(Shao-Hsuan Lee) ; 李國熙(Guo-She Lee)
台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科雜誌 ; 50卷1期 (2015 / 03 / 01) , P44 - 50 |