(Chang, Yi-ping)
職稱 兼任助理教授

南加州大學 生物醫學工程 博士


House Ear Institute(美國) Division of Communication and Auditory Neuroscience 博士後研究員(專任)
University of Southern California(美國) Department of Biomedical Engineering 研究助理(兼任)
工業技術研究院 電腦與通訊工業研究所前瞻技術中心 副研究員(專任)


財團法人雅文兒童聽語文教基金會 聽語科學研究中心 主任/研究員(專任)




1.  Luo, X.,Chang, Y., Lin, C.-Y., and Chang, R.Y.(2014). Perception of speech produced by native and nonnative talkers by listeners with normal hearing and listeners with cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(2), 532-554. doi10.10442014_JSLHR-H-12-0404

2.  Ji C., Galvin, J.J.,Chang, Y., Xu, A. and Fu, Q.-J.(2014).Perception od speech produced by native and nonnative talkers by listeners with normal hearing and listeners with cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(2), 532-554. doi10.10442014_JSLHR-H-12-0404

3.  Chang,Y and Lin,C.-Y(2014).Speech Comprehension in Children with Hearing Loss The Necessity of Speech Audiometry. International Pediatric Audiology Conference sponsored by Phonak, Shanghai, China.

4.  Chang,Y.,Hong,H.,and Ma,Y.J.(2014).Behavioral Observation Audiometry(BOA)Minimum Response Levels or Thresholds AudiologyNow! 2014,Orlando,FL.

5.  Chang,Y.,Lin,G.S.,Hung,Y.(2014).Feasible Daily Monitoring Strategies for Managing Fluctuating Hearing Loss in Children. XXXII World Congress of Audiology, Brisbane,Australia.

6.  Chang,Y.,Hong,H.,and Lin,C.(2013).Expressive vocabulary outcomes of toddlers with hearing loss in and Auditory-Verbal Therapy(AVT) program. 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language,and earing. Taichung, Taiwan.

7.  張逸屏、羅鑫、林郡儀、洪萱眉(2013)。人工電子耳使用者之中文聲調辨識: 探討對側耳助聽器及前文語境的影響。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百零二年度學術會議。台北:三軍總醫院。

8.  張逸屏、馬英娟(2011)。中文聲調辨識的雙模式效益。發表於台灣聽力語言學會一百年度學術會議。高雄:高雄榮民總醫院

9.  張逸屏、馬英娟(2011)。同時使用人工電子耳及助聽器之聽損孩童的中文聲調辨識能力。論文發表於兩岸溝通障礙學術研討會。2011中華溝通障礙教育學會年會,台北:臺灣師範大學。

10.  Chang, Y. and Fu, Q.-J.(2009).Mathematical Modeling of Talker Variability Effects in Cochlear Implants. 14th Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahon, CA.


